By analysing case studies and studying the theoretical literature on built environment, culture and human behaviour the subject offers an introduction to connection between these fields. The course discusses topics that are encountered by students of architecture during their studies and everyone else spending a life in built environment.
- Introduction, weekly topics. Culture and architecture, Vitruvius, the education of an architect, on the beginning of culture, architecture and the three essential requirements of architecture.
- From shelter to city: the modern city as the environment of our life, the sociological, urbanistic and architectural definition of a city (Louis Wirth, Spiro Kostof, Baraka)
- Contemporary trends of city development. Globalization, global cities and megapolis, environmental problems and new technologies. (Mobility)
- The experience of urban environment (Attila Batár), Mental Maps (Kevin Lynch), city and memory.
- Humans, space and environment (Edward T. Hall), urban behaviour, the individuals and the mass, conformity and freedom (Stanley Milgram).
- Behaviour on public transport
- Public places: characteristics, geometry and use (Jan Gehl). Case study: Moricz Zsigmond Körtér.
- Institutions of a modern city and their buildings. The concept of consumption: Móricz and Allee
- School: space for learning and knowledge
- Private space: home and homelessness. Homes in the modern and contemporary city. Case study: Magház, Budapest.
- Summary of the major points, preparation for the test, presentations of term projects.
Methodology of teaching
Written and oral communication.
Materials supporting learning
- Lynch, K., 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
- Massey, Doreen – Allen, John – Pile, Steve, 1999, City Worlds. London: Routledge
- Notes and slideshows about the lectures.
The slides and notes, as well as the current dates are always avaialble in moodle: edu.gtk.bme.hu