assistant professor
ziegler.zsolt@gtk.bme.huZsolt Ziegler is a Research Assistant in the Department of Philosophy and History of Science at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics/Eötvös Loránd University where he has been a faculty member since 2010. Zsolt first completed his MA studies at the University of Miskolc, then was a visiting student at the University of Toronto, after returning Hungary, he graduated from the Central European University. He also completed his studies at the doctoral school of Philosophy and History of Science at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Now he is a PhD candidate and expected to receive his PhD in winter 2017. His research interests lie in the area of free will and responsibility, ranging from theories of decision and rationality to general meta-ethical questions. His teaching experience has covered the following courses; Institutional Communication, Techniques of Persuasion, Philosophy, Social Psychology, Epistemology, Organizational Behavior, Decision Theory, International Marketing, Sales Techniques.