assistant professor, vice head of department
szabo.krisztina@gtk.bme.huKrisztina Szabó is an Assistant Lecturer and Deputy Head at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Hungary. She absolved the academic requirements of the Doctoral Program of the Doctoral School of Philosophy and History of Science in autumn 2016, and she started the doctoral process in July 2017. Then, she was a visiting scholar for seven month at the School of Education and English Language, University of Bedfordshire (UOB), Bedford, United Kingdom in the framework of Eötvös József Hungarian State Scholarship, where she was working on her doctoral dissertation about Assessing (Online) Reading Literacy. Her research field is Online Reading and Text Comprehension; Digital Literacy; PISA surveys; Reading Process; Hermeneutics and Literary Theory. She is also interested in Educational Development; Gamification and Crisis Communication. At present, she teaches Argumentation, Negotiation, Persuasion; Negotiation and Presentation Techniques; Negotiation Strategies and Tactics; and Public Communication at BUTE. She undertakes supervisor tasks of BA and MA students regularly, and does communication skills development trainings as well. She graduated from BUTE in 2013 as a Communication and Media Studies Expert specialized in Communication Design and Cultural Industries in the framework of MA in Communication and Media Studies Program.